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Hola Dr Ale

I had an exciting encounter with a finnish musician.

Last week we had a huge conference, it was fun.
I met Sugiyama of Hu and Sugiyama, and Kodoma,
and Sasaki, however I did not schmooze with the
big names.  Do you schmooze ?

George Efstathiou gave a talk on "an athropic
principle argument for a high value of the
cosmological constant" or something like that.
Rocky Kolb sat just behind me, and he did not
like it - he whispered, "... and do you know
what the sad thing is?  George is a really
smart guy, he knows how to do calculations ..."
implying that E. should not waste his time
on anthropic stuff...

Linde showed that he can make any value of lamba
from eternal inflation, so the value should come
from observations.  So it seems inflation has
maybe lost its predictive power - i'm not sure.

It is a pity that I don't have sound files of
these monday poetry corner things.  Many poems
should be read aloud,

     From childhood's hour I have not been
     As others were - I have not seen
     As others saw - I could not bring
     My passions from a common spring.
     From the same source I have not taken
     My sorrow; I could not awaken
     My heart to joy at the same tone;
     And all I lov'd, I lov'd alove.
     Then - In my childhood - in the dawn
     Of a most stormy life - was drawn
     From ev'ry depth of good and ill
     The mystery which binds me still:
     From the torrent or the fountain,
     From the red cliff of the mountain,
     From the sun that 'round me roll'd
     In it's autumn tint of gold-
     From the lighting in the sky
     As it pass me flying by-
     From the thunder and the storm,
     And the cloud that took the form
     (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
     Of a demon in my view.

			Edgard Alan Poe
				(gracias a Paul)

for example.  It rhymes!  Do you know "The Raven" ?
ciao Pablo