----------------------------------------------------------------------- U N A C O R R I D A D E E J E M P L O P A R A L O S Q U E E S T A N M U Y P E R D I D O S C O N E L C M B F A S T ------------- Materia: Cosmologia 2do Cuat 2003 ----------------------- [myprompt> ./cmb CMB (0), transfer functions (1) or both (2): If you want the lensed Cls you will need (2) 2 Value of lmax, ketamax (e.g. 1500 3000) Remember to be consistent with the file in the flat case. 1500 3000 Enter tf kmax (h/Mpc), # of k per log. int. (5,5) 5,5 Enter number and redshifts of the output: (1,0) If more than one tf is requested the redshifts have to be specified in decreasing order. 3 500 100 0 Enter 1. output transfer function file funciontransf_z500.out Enter 2. output transfer function file funciontransf_z100.out Enter 3. output transfer function file funciontransf_z0.out [output file consists of k(h/Mpc) and tf for] CDM, baryons, photons, massless neutrinos and massive neutrinos when applicable constant equation of state (1) or table with a,w (2) 1 Enter wdyn (e.g -1) -1 Enter Omega_b, Omega_c, Omega_de, Omega_nu (.05 .3 0.65 0) .05 .3 .65 0 Enter H0, Tcmb, Y_He, N_nu(massless), N_nu, g*(massive) (e.g. 65 2.726 0.24 3.04 0 10.75 ) 65 2.726 0.24 3.04 0 10.75 Enter 0 for Peebles recombination or 1 for recfast 1 Calling recfast recfast succesfully completed Enter 0 for no reionization Enter 1 for specified optical depth to lss(xe=1) Enter 2 for specified redshift and xe 0 Enter 0 for scalar alone, 1 for tensor+scalar 2 for tensors alone 3 for scalar (kk*) 1 number and values of scal. spectral index n, and its running alpha_n (1,1,0) 1 1 0 Tensor spectral index given by nt=ns-1 (0) or different (1) 0 ratio of tensor to scalar quadrupole given by 7(1-n_S) (0) or different (1): 0 Enter (0) unlensed Cls only Enter (1) lensed Cls, linear evolution Enter (2) lensed Cls, non-linear evolution ONLY SCALAR Cls ARE LENSED 1 Enter output filename for SCALAR cl If lensing was requested this will be the unlensed power spectrum escalar30_10-unlensed1.cl Enter output filename for LENSED SCALAR cl escalar30_10-lensed1.cl Enter file with bessel functions for lensing calculation (jlens.dat) jlens.dat Enter output filename for TENSOR cl tensor30_10-noselensea.cl Enter initial conditions 1= Isentropic (adiabatic) 2= Isocurvature CDM 3= Isocurvature baryon 4= Isocurvature seed conditions 1 Enter input filename for jl jlgen.dat sigma8= 0.00241811586 4pik^3P(k) norm: 2.23458969E-09 sigma8= 0.011129491 4pik^3P(k) norm: 2.23458969E-09 sigma8= 0.890406683 4pik^3P(k) norm: 2.23458969E-09 COMENTARIOS: recuerden que las rutinas jlgen ujlgen jlens deben compilarse ANTES de correr el ./cmb El nombre que yo le di al archivo output de jlgen es jlgen.dat [ver arriba] El nombre que yo le di al archivo output de jlens es jlens.dat [ver arriba] Tambien pedi que se calcule la funcion de transferencia ( tf - por transfer function) en tres Z distintos (ordenados en forma decreciente, i.e., coloque 3 500 100 0 [3 Z's Z=500 , Z=100 , Z=0 (hoy) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------