My professional "World-line" is here...
Present situation:
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Researcher full-time, since 2000.
Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Buenos Aires,
Member, since 2000.
Physics Department,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos full-time (Senior Teaching Assistant), since 2002.
Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos part-time (Senior Teaching Assistant), years 2000-2002.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
Full Member, since 2000.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the
Buenos Aires
Networking Group (recipient of a Packard Initiative networking award),
since 2002.
Scientific journals
Physical Review D and
Physical Review Letters
of the American Physical Society.
Referee since 1996.
European Science Foundation
Independent expert appointed by the ESF as an external referee.
(review of completion reports of ESF/PESC Scientific Network), year 2002.
Fundación Antorchas
Research grant 2001-2002 (Project # 13887-33).
Research grant 2003-2004 (Project # 14116-155).
Research grant 2004-2005 (Project # 4248-69).
Gravitational Physics Section
within the Joint Astrophysics Division
of the European Astronomical Society
and the European Physical Society
Affiliate member, since 2001.
Fundación Antorchas
Reentry grant 2001-2002 (Project # 13927-16).
Reentry grant 2002-2003 (Project # 13927-16).
Reentry grant 2003-2004 (Project # 13927-16).
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Project PIP 6332 (Period 2005-2006).
Director: M. Castagnino, A.Gangui (member)
Subject: Relativistic quantum theories and gravitation.
PEI-2001 Young Researcher grant (Project # PIP 6365).
Director: A.Gangui. Members: 1 advanced PhD student, 1 PhD student, 1 physics student.
Subject: Cosmological parameter estimation [...]
University of Buenos Aires, Biennial Projects:
UBACYT # X005 (Period 2004-2005). Director: A.Gangui, Subject:
Astrophysics and cosmology.
UBACYT # X103 (Period 2004-2005). Director: C.Nunez, A.Gangui (member), Subject:
Superstrings and gravitation.
UBACYT # X805 (Period 2001-2003). Director: C.Nunez, Co-director: A.Gangui, Subject:
Superstrings, quantum gravity and cosmology.
UBACYT # X143 (Period 2001-2003). Director: M.Castagnino. A.Gangui (member), Subject: Gravity
and quantum theories.
UBACYT # TW77 (Period 1998-2000, extended to -2001). Director: M.Castagnino. A.Gangui (member),
Subject: Relativistic quantum theories and gravitation.
The American Physical Society
Member, since 2001.
The Argentine Physical Society
Representative member (vocal), since 2002, of the
Buenos Aires chapter.
Precedent situation and professional contacts:
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France
Post-doc at DARC -
Département d'Astrophysique Relativiste et de Cosmologie,
[now transmuted into LUTH :
Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses Théories]
ICSC - World Laboratory, Switzerland
Research grant 2000.
Lycée Buffon, Paris, France
Enseignant d'Informatique,
Classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles,
Années academiques 1998/9 et 1999/2000.
Fondation des Treilles, France
Research grant 1999.
Société de Secours des Amis des Sciences
(de l'Académie des Sciences), France
Research grant 1998.
Ministère Français des Affaires Etrangères, France
Research grant 1997.
, France
Research grant 1997.
Abdus Salam
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Post-doc 1996.
British Council
British Council Research Visitor to the United Kingdom, 1995-1999
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica, Italy
Research grant 1993-1995.
SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Italy
PhD Thesis
[supervised par Dennis W. Sciama
( link 1 ,
link 2 )] 1993-1995.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Italy
Research grant 1992.
Physics Dept, Universidad de Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Research grant (pre-graduate) 1989-1990.
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Bs As, Argentina
Research grant (pre-graduate) 1987-1988.