IAFE - Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, y
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone Number : (54-11) 47 81 67 55 int. 115
Fax Number : (54-11) 47 86 81 14
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El Universo de Einstein - Ciclo de Conferencias en el Centro Cultural Borges, Viamonte esq. San Martín, Buenos Aires. Todos los jueves del 2005, 19hs. Estadísticas de la Página Web www.universoeinstein.com.ar: 2005 | 2006 | actual!. |
Origin of cosmological perturbations | |||||
Inflationary models of the early universe | Topological defects, like monopoles, textures and cosmic strings | ||||
The cosmic microwave background radiation
"In Support of Inflation", Perspective: Cosmology, published in Science 291, 837-838 (2001) (2 February 2001 issue).
Article summary
(just Sign Up) or full text.
Also arXiv postscript or PDF
or local version here.
Recently included as a
Selected Article in the 2003 Science Magazine Supplement to the special issue "The Dark Side".
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"A Preposterous Universe", Perspective: Astronomy, published in Science 299, 1333-1334 (2003) (28 February 2003 issue).
Article summary
(just Sign Up) or full text.
Also arXiv postscript or PDF
or local version here. Recently included as a
Selected Article in the 2003 Science Magazine Supplement to the special issue "The Dark Side".
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Superconducting cosmic strings
non technical review article, published in American Scientist, pages 254-263, May-June 2000. The article is here (.html) or here (.ps) [local, nice!] or here [just abstract, but with links] |
Teaching, Talks and Presentations | |||||
Science Outreach | Difusión Científica etc...
Additional articles (and +) on various scientific subjets can be found in the following links (and specially in the "More Science Outreach" link below:
Public presentation : ``El Big Bang'', Planetario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 10 August 2001; "press release" (Alejandro Ganghi) aquí. "Del Atomo Primitivo a la Cosmología Moderna" (Viernes 25 de octubre 2002); "press release" aquí. "Palimpsesto cósmico: la radiación cósmica de fondo" (Planetario, viernes 24 de octubre 2003): "press release" aquí. Clase magistral en el Planetario (viernes 15 octubre 2004): "El Big Bang: la génesis de nuestra cosmología actual". Próxima conferencia: Pecha Kucha Night. Más info aquí. More Science Outreach, Philosophy and History of Science, Public Understanding of Science | Difusión Científica, Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia, Educación... here/aquí (Updated Sep 2008) and, (not so) recently, my contribution to the CRC Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy |
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